The Global Uplift Project’s current projects and gifts
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Project Name

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Mwicwiri Primary School has 418 students (197 boys and 221 girls), 20 teachers, & 3 support staff. The school has 5 acres with a playground, 5 wooden classrooms, which require upgrading, & 9 permanent classrooms. This project will build a new 30'x30' classroom. The community is contributing $3,155 bringing the total to $18,256.

Multiple Countries
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More than 20 million girls drop out of school every year because they can't manage their period. It is probably the greatest preventable loss of human potential in the world. TGUP’s Save a Girl Project addresses this by providing kits of washable, reusable, sanitary supplies. Each kit is given free of charge to the girls.

Multiple Countries
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TGUP has multiple schools in Uganda, Kenya, and Nepal hoping for a Science Lab in a Box installation. This will allow the schools to teach and practice experiments in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. In 2025, we are hoping to fund 10 SLaBs. Each SLaB costs $3,000 and the school chooses from a long list of supplies and equipment.

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Royal Seed Primary School is a community school with 262 students (148 girls & 114 boys). Inadequate classroom furniture (desks, tables & chairs) causes children to skip school. Particularly at risk are young children since there is always fighting & scrambling for a place to sit. This project will fund new classroom furniture.

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Nkono Primary School has 1,229 students, with 14 teachers. There are 7 classrooms & an admin office. The 4 nursery classes take place in a nearby church. The primary grades have an average class size of 182. This project will fund one or two new classrooms, depending on funding (one classroom = $13,817, two classrooms = $22,361)

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This project will provide 36 classroom benches with attached desks. The desks and benches will have a metal frame and wood surfaces. Each desk and bench will seat 4 students so 36 benches will accommodate 144 students. Currently, the students sit on the floor and write on their laps. Cost: $7,444 ($5 per student).

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Without shoes, children are especially vulnerable to diseases and parasites. These 'Shoes that Grow' can expand through 5 sizes and keep children healthy, allow them to go to school, and only cost $25 per pair. Most of the children at Nkono Primary do not have shoes so this project will fund 300 pairs of shoes.

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Standard Junior School has 409 students and 10 teachers in grades 1-7. The water for school is currently taken from an unfinished borehole that is unsafe and leading to illness. This project will drill an additional 60 feet down to (final depth 120 feet) provide a reliable and sustainable source of filtered clean water.

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This building was started years ago & abandoned due to lack of funds. TGUP donated science equipment for the school but the existing facility isn't big enough for the school's 732 students. This project will complete construction of this large 36'x18' building (new walls, floors, roof, etc.) to be used for science instruction.

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The Bomaka Primary School has 487 students and 10 teachers. In 2024, TGUP built new latrines for the school as the old ones had failed. This project will drill a 200-225' borehole, a filtration system, and a tower with a 5,000 liter tank to store the water. This will ensure the school has a continuous supply of potable water.

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The Dibanda Primary School has 362 students in just four classrooms which are split into two so different grades can be taught in the same room. The existing rooms are falling apart with holes in the walls and roof. Ideally, two new classrooms are built but depending on funding, one can be done for $16,162 or two for $27,052.

Multiple Countries
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Due to recent changes in Kenyan academics, primary schools now include 7th and 8th grades & are required to teach science. The government is not assisting so TGUP's Junior Science Lab Program will provide the basic equipment needed to demo experiments. Each JSS costs $1,800. TGUP hopes to fund 10 schools in 2025.

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The Loiborsiret Secondary School has 400 students but the kitchen is just an open air shack. The conditions are dangerous and unsanitary, with livestock and rodents frequently interrupting the cooking. This project will build a new secure kitchen with preparation areas and storage for food items.

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This project developed the Good Hope Primary school’s garden space into a teaching space, teaching the children small-scale horticulture skills. The vegetables will help feed the children at the school. Additionally, the skills will be taken home in a structured program so the children might help feed their own families.

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242 children attend Presbyterian Nursery & Primary school. Unfortunately, due to extreme poverty, many children go to school without any learning materials, and have to struggle to remember what they’re being taught in their lessons. This will fund pencils, pens, erasers, exercise books, etc., as well as chalk for the teachers.

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TGUP's partner in Uganda is seeking funding to construct a 50'x70' building to hull, process, and store coffee beans. Funding of the processing equipment has already been secured through a Rotary grant. 50% of the profits from the coffee business will be used to support the Save a Girl kit production at the nearby sewing center.

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This is one of 9 projects planned for Irigithathi Mixed Day Primary School in Naro Moru, Kenya. This project will fund a boy's dormitory for 20 Special Needs students. Twenty bunk beds are being funded separately so the school can expand their boarding capacity at a later time. All students are treated equally at Irigithathi.

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The current kitchen at Irigithathi is no way sufficient for all the students, and will be especially lacking once the 60 additional Special Needs students start school. This project will fund a large new kitchen capable of serving 300 students a day. Another project will fund the cooking jikos and adjoining dining hall.

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To go with the new kitchen (funded separately), this project will install two cooking jikos. One will be a single chamber and the other a double system that allows for two things to be cooked simultaneously. The new jikos will allow the cooks to prepare food for the entire school of 300+ students and staff.

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The project will fund an adjacent addition to the new kitchen (funded separately) for the Irigithathi School that will accommodate 100 students at a time. Also being funded in another project are the tables and chairs for the new dining hall.

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TGUP is funding 9 projects for Irigithathi School, including a new kitchen, storage room, and adjoining dining hall. This project will fund furniture for the new dining hall including ten tables (8'x4') and 22 benches. The new dining hall will accommodate 100 students at each meal service.

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This project will pay for 20 sets of double bunk beds and a single bed for the dorm father to equip the new boys' dormitory that TGUP is funding for the Irigithathi School. The current plan is to admit 30 new Special Needs boys, but the bed capacity will allow for 40 for future enrollment.


Multiple Countries
Save a Girls
gifted to date:
Save a Girls
gifted to date:
$6 provides one adolescent girl with washable reusable sanitary supplies so she can manage her period and stay in school. Each kit lasts for three years and is given free to adolescent girls along with education on the use of the kit, feminine hygiene, self defense, and both male and female biology.

Smoke-reducing stoves
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Smoke-reducing stoves
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$100 will fund the construction and installation (done by Maasai women) of a smoke-reducing stove for a Maasai family in Tanzania. The stoves benefit the health of the entire community, but particularly the children for whom the smoke causes lung problems, burns, and even death.

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A $90 beehive provides pollination to boost crop yields 2–4x. Each hive comes with a personalized plaque naming the person honored and will be installed on a farm, at a school, or in a village in Kenya. The honey from hives is sold to support local farmers, schools, and the hive upkeep.

Birthing kits
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Birthing kits
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Maasai women give birth in their homes often in unsanitary conditions. These $20 kits are given free to pregnant women, and include a plastic drape over which the birth takes place, razor and clamps for cutting the cord, antibiotics for cord stem and eyes, wash basin & soap, blankets, gloves & gowns for midwives and washcloths.

Hygiene kits
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Hygiene kits
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These $10 hygiene kits are given to school children in need in Uganda. Each kit contains a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, nail clippers, soap, wash cloth, and tube of vaseline. All the items are contained in a mesh carrying bag.

Multiple Countries
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Over 1.5 billion people suffer from soil transmitted diseases worldwide. Without shoes, children are especially vulnerable to diseases and parasites. These 'shoes that grow' can expand through 5 sizes and keep children healthy and allow them to go to school and only cost $25 per pair.

Multiple Countries
School suppliess
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School suppliess
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Many school children in African countries are prohibited from going to school because they don't have the required basic supplies: pens, pencils, etc. This project provides one school child with the needed supplies so they can stay in school. It only costs $5 to give the required materials.