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Project # 465 of
The El Naranjo Middle and High School Institute has 137 students and 9 teachers. The community, along with TGUP's Guatemalan partner, raised money to build two new classrooms. Funding was still needed for windows, doors, and to complete the flooring. This project provided what was needed for the classrooms to be finished.
- Overall budget https://tgup.org/pdf/El-Naranjo-Project-Budget.pdf
- More photos https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNLV5rjgmFze-fZCK13dTiDEWf0nT99GnVItjbzvNMDmicg38Z6H-S-irOgPoJyiw?key=Y1NGU2U0NExFTm1DTG1ZbkI0enluY3RVd0ZQUlp3
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org5
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org
- Project Cost: $2,880