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Project # 327 of
The community school of Ndongo has 895 children in 12 grades. There were three classroom buildings. One just recently had its roof torn off by a major tropical storm, which TGUP replaced. A second classroom building, made of wood, had been condemned as it was likely to collapse. This project built a new 24'x21' classroom.
- Detailed Budget https://tgup.org/pdf/Ndongo-Classroom-Budget.pdf
- More photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/9Vyb6a533ABEvmov6
- Project Summary https://tgup.org/pdf/Ndongo-Classroom-Project-Summary.pdf
- Project Details https://tgup.org/pdf/Ndongo-Classroom-Project-Details.pdf
- https://tgup.org5
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org
- https://tgup.org
- Project Cost: $16,920