Water is Life
It’s a cliché, but it’s true: water is life. This past year, ODFL completed water projects in Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, and Nepal. The projects bring life, but they also bring freedom. ..
A Science Lab in Nepal
The greatest mental shift in the human race may have occurred when people adopted the approach of science for understanding the world. They put aside superstition and mythology as the dominant modes of thought and replaced them with ...
Hard choices
One of the dangers of working with developing world communities is arrogance. This shows up in the western donor trying to dictate to local, developing world recipients the kind of help they need.
Beehives in Kenya
One third of all the food humans eat is pollinated by bees. Yet, bee populations are in crisis around the world. Implicated in the causes are pesticides, climate change, mono-agriculture and more. ..
Vaccinating newborns in Nepal
The smallest things make the biggest difference. In #Nepal, ODFL helps vaccinate newborns against the 11 most common childhood diseases. We all know their names, but to us they are just medical textbook curiosities...