The Bidhya Jyoti School currently has 537 students from pre-school to 12th grade with 30 teaching staff but no running water. The water well will provide access to a steady supply of water for cooking, sanitation and drinking.

Construction is expected to start as soon as the shutdown in Nepal is eased.

Now that things in Nepal are starting to open up, the work of digging the well has been able to start.

Work progressed fast and the project is now complete! The water is clean and plentiful and is being used for drinking, cooking, washing, cleaning and the well made it much easier for the crew on a building construction project.

The Global Uplift Project

Uplift  for a Better World

The Global Uplift Project

4164 Stanford Way
Livermore, CA 94550 USA

Tel. +1(650)575-3434

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