Kiwanis CalNevHa Division 12 has built a classroom for the tiny village of Luz de Cristo in Nicaragua. This is part of The Global Uplift Project’s 6C Initiative where Clusters of Clubs Collaborate to Create Catalytic Change.
Thank you Division 12, all of your clubs, and all of your members. The world is a better place because of you!
The village
Materials begin arriving
Foundation stones arrive Unloading foundation stones
Offloading gravel
Village boys offload gravel Almost finished
Groundbreaking day
Ceremony Preparing rebar
Community members working
Foundation trenches; Everybody helps
Foundation going in
Video of kids pumping water
Basic frame going up
Roof and walls
Two videos – everybody helps
Watch these two videos of everybody helping
Finishing the inside
Finishing the classroom
Solar being installed
Maps, workbooks, games, puzzles, and monitor