The Githage Mixed Day Secondary School had one dedicated science room, but it lacked the infrastructure to perform practical experiments. This project funded a 12’ x 24’ extension to the existing classroom that permitted construction of a proper science lab. Then, TGUP’s Science Lab in a Box ™ was installed. This permits world-class laboratory work in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
TGUP thanks the Rotary Club of Palo Alto, which paid for the physical build-out of the lab, and the Rotary Club of Los Altos, which paid for the Science Lab in a Box ™. The world is a better place because of you and your members.
The first step to qualify for a SLaB is for the school to complete an Application.
After the SLaB Application has been approved by TGUP, the school’s science department completes a Quotable Bill of Materials. This lists their chosen equipment and supplies and is sent to at least two science vendors for quotes.

Thank you Palo Alto and Los Altos Rotaries! The world is a better place because of you.