This project will renovate the kitchen at the Kihuyo Mixed Day Secondary School in Nyeri county. Currently, the kitchen is so run-down that it is difficult to provide the 170 students and staff with meals that are safe and nutritious. The ‘jikos’ cooking vats are broken and rusted. This project will repair the jikos, chimney, roof, flooring, sinks, and install electricity, windows and doors.

The community is contributing $1,800 in labor and materials to help keep the cost down. The majority of the families are considered ‘squatters’ and provide day labor when available. They rely on government assistance for food. For some students, the school meal is the only food they may have on a daily basis.

TGUP is also in the process of building a 4 stall latrine at this same school. Both projects will be undertaken at the same time to help keep labor costs down.

Thank you for making this project possible. Click here to see the final report and here to see a letter of appreciation from the school’s principal.

Existing kitchen
Demo has begun
Temporary kitchen during renovations
Lunch is served!

Exterior looking good
Kitchen in use
Video of lunch being served

The Global Uplift Project

Uplift  for a Better World

The Global Uplift Project

4164 Stanford Way
Livermore, CA 94550 USA

Tel. +1(650)575-3434

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