TGUP’s partner in Uganda, Nsawo Community Development Project, will construct a 50’x70′ building to hull, process, and store coffee beans. Funding of the processing equipment has already been secured through a Rotary grant. 50% of the profits from the coffee business will be used to support the Save a Girl kit production at the nearby sewing center.

The new building will hull raw coffee beans for local coffee farmers. Unhulled beans sell for $1/KG in local markets. Hulled beans fetch $2/KG, providing sufficient margins to both operate the facility, and provide funding to the NCDP Save a Girl ™ sewing center.

Staking the location
Digging foundation ditches
Starting the walls
Finishing the walls
The basic shell
Roof goes on

The Global Uplift Project

Uplift  for a Better World

The Global Uplift Project

4164 Stanford Way
Livermore, CA 94550 USA

Tel. +1(650)575-3434

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