The Kangulumira School in Uganda was one of the most dire situations TGUP has ever encountered. The 150-odd students attended classes in papyrus “classrooms.” There were no latrines, no running water. The one daily meal consisted of watery corn gruel.

The project built a quarter-mile access road, two large brick classrooms, a water well, latrines, metal-frame desks, and provided beans as a daily supplement to the corn gruel. The entire project cost $33,200. It was funded by 17 TGUP donors. It was carried out by TGUP’s Uganda partner, the Nsawo Community Development Project. 

The project is noteworthy for several things: 

  • The breadth of the overall project, encompassing five sub-projects
  • The magnitude of the improvement from “Before” to “After”
  • The speed of completion:  83 days from start to finish
  • Participation by 17 different donors, exemplifying the TGUP model
Original condition: the school & one classroom
Existing latrines and daily meal of corn gruel
New latrines and bean supplements
We put in a ¼ mile access road to get to the new site
We dug the borehole and struck water at 80 feet
Preparing the foundation for two classrooms
Framing the foundation
Finishing the foundation
Up go the walls
Trusses and roof
The basic classrooms
Windows front and back
Applying finishing touches
Starting to look like a school
It IS a school!

There were 17 donors who made this project possible. Many thousands of children’s lives will be changed as a result. That is the TGUP model. If we all do a little, no one person has to do too much. It works. Thank you for making the world a better place.


The Global Uplift Project

Uplift  for a Better World

The Global Uplift Project

4164 Stanford Way
Livermore, CA 94550 USA

Tel. +1(650)575-3434

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