Irigithathi Integrated School is one of the few schools in Kenya that educate mainstream and Special Needs students in the same setting. It is also one of the highest performing schools in all of Kenya.

The Special Need Children Center Foundation and the Campbell Kiwanis Club, helped by the Palo Alto Kiwanis Club, have sponsored a major expansion of the school. The Project will add a classroom and a girls’ dormitory. Still needed are a boys’ dormitory and a kitchen/dining hall.

Thank you SNCCF and Kiwanis Clubs! The world is a better place because of you!

Existing school
Some of the students
Raised wheelchair pathways
May 13, Construction begins; principal and student body president
Trenches and foundation go in
Finishing the foundation
Early walls
Walls are finished
Trusses are on
Roof is on
Finishing inside and out
Finished classroom, outside and inside
With Principal and Ministry of Education officials
Celebrating inside and out
Students playing games at all-school celebration
Commemorating plaque
Thank you!

Thank you to the Special Need Children Center Foundation and the Kiwanis Clubs of Campbell and Palo Alto, CA. The world is a better place because of you.

The Global Uplift Project

Uplift  for a Better World

The Global Uplift Project

4164 Stanford Way
Livermore, CA 94550 USA

Tel. +1(650)575-3434

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